This unit covers the knowledge, skills,
and behaviours required to effectively use computer and other PCs, digital devices such as
smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop. It entails identifying and using digital devices
for purposes of communication, work performance and management at the work place.
Digital literacy is siginificant to TVET level 6 curriculum due to the critical role that
technology plays in societal and industrial growth. Digital literacy has also gained
recognition as a valuable tool for lifelong learning and collaboration in this global village.
The critical aspects of competency to be covered include control of security threats,
computer crimes, applying word processing and spreadsheet in accordance with workplace
procedures, integrating emerging issues in computer ICT applications and applying laws
governing protection of ICT. The basic resources required include digital devices such as
desktop computers, laptop computers, smart phone, printers, internet access, computer
software among others. The unit of competency covers six learning outcomes. Each
learning outcome presents learning activities that cover performance criteria statements,
thus creating opportunity for the trainees to demonstrate knowledge and skills in the
occupational standards and content in the curriculum. Information sheets provide;
definition of key terms, content and illustration to guide in training. The competency may
be assessed through written tests, demonstration, practical assignment, interview/oral
questioning and case study. Self assesssement is provided at the end of each learning
outcome. Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry sector workplace and
job role is recommended.
- Teacher: helmut munai
- Teacher: doreen muthoni